Psychology Overweight

Djad dar

The problem of excess weight can be solving in different ways. Their ways of weight normalization and correction now offer spa - salons, beauty salons, esthetic medicine clinic and fitness centers. In the struggle with being overweight actively enter the latest achievements of cosmetology, nutrition, fitness and plastic surgery. But resorting to the different methods of weight loss, do we always can count on a guaranteed result? 

Unfortunately, even the most modern and radical measures, will be temporary, and then returns from the increased weight, body size increases prior to its dimensions, this is at best.

What is the reason? Psychologists believe that it lies in our heads. As long as our brain is not setting to the desired program - any efforts activities and procedures will be in vain. That is why before the visit to the clinic or beauty salon is necessary to consult a psychologist. From here we should begin our battle to combat excess weight if we want to win this battle victory unconditionally.

Otherwise, then have to search for answers to pointed questions. Why no money invested in the weight loss is not able to keep us from temptation in the future? Why our entire life is a constant struggle with being overweight, and often we are just marking time or losers? Do you have excess weight psychological background, and what is its impact? 

These questions are asking and answers to thousands of them generously given in scientific articles and educational programs. However, often dream of losing weight and remains unrealized due to the stubborn refusal to understand yourself and to realize, finally, in what is because the failure. These are serious psychological problems, to understand that the common man is very difficult, and often simply can not afford. Especially if these problems have their roots back in our childhood ...

In fact, the appearance of the extra pounds justifiable phenomenon. Of course, this argument is unconvincing for those who constantly strives to weight loss. However, the body can not argue. And if it starts to accumulate in excess of pounds, then for some reason it took him.

Causes of obesity may have a physiological nature (hormonal background, endocrine abnormalities, decreased physical activity), or they need to look for in our subconscious.
In other words, if overweight is not due to health problems, it is time to look for the causes in the field of psychology. And who knows what will be easier: to identify and eliminate the causes of physiological or plan to overcome the psychological barriers that trigger the accumulation of fat.

Often quite simple careful introspection to understand what factors affect the eating, to eliminate these factors and thus quickly resolve the problem of excess weight.
However, there are cases where more serious and running. Causes and triggers are overeating, may be hiding deep in the subconscious, which is not always able to get a good psychologist. Also, the identification and realization of reason do not always mean victory. For successful weight loss often requires a special course of psychological correction in which a person who wants to lose weight, get rid of deep-rooted in the subconscious fears and complexes, and only then proceed to the fight against obesity.

Psychological causes of excess weight.

Some complexes that trigger the appearance of excess weight appears in early childhood, others - like a teenager, he became older. Reasons for excess weight gained in conscious age may be a response to the psyche of some stress, loss, or a radical change in my life. Most often, you should consider some factors influencing the eating, at least - the reason is one thing.
Syndrome "good child."
How can a human and seemingly innocuous desire to feed a child affect the emergence of the problem of excess weight? It turns out, can. Parents, grandparents, teachers from childhood we are telling that the good kids eat with appetite and leave dishes clean.

 Obedient girls and boys are struggling to meet the desires of adults, respected as their people, trying to eat everything to the last crumb. They know that only in this case hear the praise in his address, also, many believe that they will get dessert as a reward.
As a result, in the minds of resistant root program: I will be happy only if I eat a lot.

Since installation, formed in our in early conscient childhood, the transition to adulthood and become the norm. Moreover, the high likelihood of transmission of such plants inherited. It is clearly seeing in those families where the woman is having overweight and wanting to get rid of it by all means, however, continues to stuff food, my daughter.

Baby loneliness

The pace and demands of modern life are such that leave no chance for full communion of parents with children. Moms and dads work from morning till night, confident that only the money earned by them can ensure their child of a happy and prosperous life. 

At this time, the child, almost all of their time conducting alone, needs the full contact with the parents, withdraws into himself and becomes nervous and short-tempered. Once the child understands that the sweets to help him calm down and improve your mood. Frequent urge to eat something sweet very soon transformed into a stable dependence on sweets.
 Often parents are involved in the formation of this relationship when trying to atone for the guilt of inadequate communication with children, personally buy them harmful "snacks" - chocolate bars candy and chewing gum. Childhood ends and emotional dependence on sweet stays with us. And, as well as adult life is full of stress, and here we "aid" comes a kind of antidepressants - a variety of goodies, proven recipe from my childhood. To overcome this habit, provokes the appearance of excess weight, extremely difficult.

Food as a means of protest

Another habit that weakens the regulation of weight and has a "children's" roots - the use of food as a means of protest. Protest arises against hard parental control and constant emphasis on the problem of the child's weight. Psychological description of children's protest: "I am completely independent and will decide for himself how to me to be, in spite of you will not like you want to." In practice, the baby eats more than you need and not always that helpful in protest. Unfortunately, this is also reflected in its title, and his figure, and his health, besides "children's voice" turns into a persistent habit that can remain even when the protest mood will subside.

Completeness as a way to attract attention

A child who wishes to bring to the fore in any way, may be used, including, and a way to attract attention to their excess weight. It usually happens at school, unless the child finds the other virtues and abilities that would have strengthened its credibility among peers. Or completeness positioned as an expression of protest and deliberate show of asceticism. 

A similar pattern of behavior can also be a huge probability to move into adulthood, where a grown man will try to manipulate people with your weight.

Fear of close contacts

Women's subconscious fear of intimacy with a man is also a common cause of excess weight among the fairer sex. What factors are provoking the appearance of the complex? May affect the fact of previous sexual abuse or pathological fear of unwanted pregnancy (especially in early adolescence). Global self-doubt can also cause women's completeness as a subconscious desire to remain unattractive and uninteresting for the male to avoid the fact of dating and building a close relationship.

Please note, we are talking about unconscious motives and unconscious desire to become thick and ugly, to protect themselves from male attention. On a conscious level, a woman can diligently and methodically to struggle with excess weight, adhere to different diets, but, in fact, its appetite control will hurt the subconscious.
Likewise, can work and complex, which appeared as a result of poorly finished the novel. 

At heart, the woman will experience new fear relationships to protect themselves from possible pain. Overweight on this background will be a good excuse as to why at the moment can not be a new novel. Many hides behind the excuse: "When losing weight, then Personal Loans life." Needless to say that this woman is not likely to acquire a perfect figure, nor a harmonious relationship.
Completeness as a result of family problems
Their number can be enormous, and excess weight and appears within as a cause and a consequence.
For example, the excessive fullness of a woman can be used as a way to keep beside her husband. Female ultimatum: "I gave you the best; now you have to be next to me, whatever I have been."
Another example: the fullness of women as protection against the painful jealousy of her husband. "Now that I'm fat and ugly, you can stop me jealous because I have no interest on the part of other men."
Another option: the extra weight as revenge husband-tyrant or an alcoholic. "You have a fat wife because it's better you just do not deserve."
Very often, a woman begins to gain weight rapidly when he finds out about her husband's infidelity. Much easier to hide behind its fullness and loss of attractiveness in the eyes of her husband, than try to figure out the true causes of what happened and draw correct conclusions.
Finally, the cause of excess weight "family" nature is a sexual coldness and dissatisfaction with his wife. The blurred figure of a woman shuts itself off from excessive sexual attention from your partner.

Fears and the need for protection

Psychologists say that fat people often feel very vulnerable. Causes of vulnerability may vary and can be working as a temporary or permanent.
Life disasters, such as the loss of a loved one, divorce, dismissal from work, constant anxiety for the child, everyone experiences in their way. Often, fears and experiences "jam" with all the ensuing consequences. Fat accumulation, in this case, is protective, fencing off a person from a hostile reality.


Excess weight may develop on the background of constant keyed, acute reaction to everything that happens. Excessive sensitivity creates a storm of emotions: anger, fear, shock, anxiety and so on. D. Stormy emotions can trigger nerve disorder. As a result, the body tries to blunt strong emotions accumulation of subcutaneous fat, energize hypersensitive person some penetration..


Conviction of worthlessness almost always leads to problems of excess weight. However, psychologists consider a dislike to him not as a consequence, and as the cause of excess weight. Total dissatisfaction, self-flagellation, and excessive self-criticism are a protective reaction of the organism, manifested in the appearance of excess weight. If we do not love ourselves, our body is

turning into  the ugly figure

. On the contrary, once a person starts to treat yourself with love and respect, its weight and shape parameters begin to approach the norm.

Lack of love

Not only in childhood, there is a risk compensation meal indifference on the part of parents. In adult life, and there is the probability of filling the stomach with food when there is nothing to fill the spiritual void. That is why the separation and the realization that a loved one no longer loves you lead to overeating and weight gain. In contrast, happy and beloved woman can easily part with overweight.

Sense of nostalgia

Memory endowed with not only our brain, and have it our taste buds. We pleasant taste of some products is not in itself, but because these products and their use in our cause and our memory. More often than not they are associated with childhood, familiarity, and her mother's care. These positive emotions are transferring to the food. Eating favorite foods, people experiencing pleasant moments from their past. This especially dangerous if the person is a little like its present reality, from which he tries to leave in the past comfortable with food and related pleasant associations. The result - overeating, provoking the emergence of excess weight.


Severe stress, in general, can cause a lack of appetite and thus stimulates weight loss. However, if the stress is not as intense, manifested in the chronic form, and with an enviable constancy, he, on the contrary, leads to overeating and obesity. In our world of stress, no one is immune, but the effects of stress experienced by everyone differently.


It's a very insidious cause of excess weight. Feelings of guilt arise whenever the disturbed diet. However, rather than to stop and to establish itself further steadfastness, one begins to blame themselves for a weak character, panics and consumes more food. The intrigue of the causes of obesity is that it creates a vicious circle from which escape is difficult.

Dangers of suggestion and coding
Attempts to understand the causes of their excess weight can take a lot of time and effort. If to clarify the situation to resort to the help of a psychologist, then added another, and financial costs. To get rid of painful problems once and for all, many go to the centers of coding and weight correction. There, people are hoping to get the necessary mental setup that will deter own appetite.

These techniques pose a very real danger, as well as everything related to the intervention in the human brain. If the desire to try yourself as a guinea still present, it is advisable to start with, to understand what is the difference between coding suggestion.
During an expert, suggestion affects the patient so that he realized the problem and were able to help them independently in the future. When encoding the doctor will completely suppress the will of the patient. In this sense, it turns out that the coding is more suitable and weak-willed people.

Different and promises that are used to run the mechanism of suggestion and coding. At the heart of a suggestion is a positive promise, to make sure the patient is as good and useful to be slim and lightweight. The basis of the same coding system is the promise of a negative sense, that is, a ban on food.
Now for the questionable benefits of these methods. If using a food person to solve some psychological problems, the call to this method does not make sense. If a person will instill that overeating is bad - it is an internal problem will not go away. If successful, this suggestion would be a problem to find another way decisions can find them in smoking, alcohol although this solution is difficult to call. In the absence of other ways to solve, people can and do fall into a deep depression.

The effectiveness of methods of suggestion and coding also be questioned. In some forms of painful depending on the food (for example, bulimia), these methods are powerless. Finally, in itself an intervention in the human psyche can give unpredictable results and cause such problems as compared with that extra weight seems just flowers.

To summarize. The first - the accumulation of extra pounds is a defensive reaction of the organism to internal discomfort. So before you go on a diet and even more resolved to drastic methods, try to listen to your body and grasp the inner reasons that led to excess weight. And second, it is the same thing - try to understand the problem, translate it into the unconscious level to the conscious, and then the problem of excess weight will begin to be addressed more effectively

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