Best Natural Products for Reduce Weight!

Djad dar
To answer a question Is there a natural products we use in our daily lives, or we see in nature that surround us and can be used as products to reduce excess weight. The answer Yes and this preferred seven natural products for weight loss.

1. Infusion of dandelion

Quick weight loss will help to achieve regular consumption of tea from dandelion. ,  To prepare tea, two teaspoons of crushed leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Infusion should take half a Cup before meals 2-3 times a day.

2. Ginger

Ginger helps to lose weight even if you continue to eat the way they ate. One only has to start to add it to your favorite food, shading her taste and making meals amazingly useful shapes.
Even better – the regular consumption of ginger tea, which is preparing by the ginger mince, two tablespoons of the mass put in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water for half an hour. The resulting infusion drink throughout the day, preferably half an hour before meals.

3. Beets

Beet widely knows vegetable. It is quite cheap, and it for weight loss is simply irreplaceable. There are different ways to lose weight by using beets, but we will consider the simplest of them: losing weight on beet juice.
To do this, just squeeze the juice from fresh beets and take it 15 minutes before eating. Note that it is safe to drink not more than 50 g of juice a day and be sure to dilute it with water or another juice. And, of course, do not forget that food should be healthy and without exercise simply can not do!

4. Cucumbers

Cucumber diet can bring the body, also to the promised weight loss, even immeasurable benefit. For example, cucumbers are perfectly saturated, and they contain huge amounts of structured water is soft and naturally cleanse the body of toxins. Also, they contain a variety of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. How eat cucumbers for weight loss? Enough 3-5 times a day eats cucumber salad and greens dressed with low-fat yogurt or sour cream. Yes, just like that!

5. Flaxseed

Flaxseed – a real godsend for those who want to lose weight quickly and naturally. In the divided state it coats the walls of the stomach and intestines is a mucous layer, preventing the absorption of fats and also stimulate their work. If you add ground flax seeds to your regular dishes, you decrease their caloric content, also will accelerate the saturation – it's enough one tablespoon of Flaxseed meal for a day for noticeable results! Also, flax- seeds to grind and brew at night with boiling water; the effect is not reducing.

6. Egg yolk

Egg yolk also recently been rehabilitated by nutritionists. Studies have shown that, contrary to popular belief, this part of the egg does not increase harmful cholesterol in the body, but by the content of vitamins and trace elements and it does no equal. So the yolks are quite promoted weight loss. Only need to find the right combination of products for yolk diet. Best combined with egg yolks non-starchy vegetables and citrus. And, of course, regular exercise!

7. Soda

A real godsend for those who want to lose weight quickly and naturally, if you know how to apply it correctly. There are two main ways: internal and external use.
If you have no special problems with the digestive system, try a soda solution (1 tsp for 1 Cup. water)
to drink diluted lemon juice (juice of 1 fruit dilute with water to the volume of the Cup).
 If you doubt and do not want to risk, try taking baths with baking soda (1 pack of baking soda on the tub, enough for two treatments per week). This method is not only safe, it is also very pleasant and promotes relaxation of the nervous system.

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