Recipes For Weight Loss- Diet lasagna

Djad dar
 Lasagna with Goat Cheese 

Dietetic lasagne dish highly nutritious, despite the fact that its preparation uses only useful and possibly less fatty foods. Therefore, it is better to indulge themselves they are not more than one time per week.

Lasagna -with -Goat -Cheese

If you are preparing a dietary lasagna, you must take
-10 Of the strips of lasagne (broad noodles, ready for sale in stores)
-450 Grams of soy or goat cheese (soft tofu)
- Feta and two egg whites.
- 3 tbsp. Grated parmesan,
- 3 tbsp. Chopped mozzarella
,- A quarter teaspoon of red and black pepper,
-1 St. spoonful of common salt,
-1 Bank spaghetti sauce (skimmed).

Caloric dietary lasagna: Get five portions, each of which contains 56 g carbohydrate, 7 g fat, 412 calories, 38 g protein.

Cooking Diet Lasagna:
1. Prepare test strips, as indicated on the package. Preheat oven to 180º;
2. The refractory form lasagna (height 5 cm) Cover the foil;
3. Mix in a pan egg whites, tofu, cheese, mozzarella and mash them until smooth;
4. Now you can "collect" diet lasagna. For this purpose, the dough layer lay form top layer of filling, and then again a layer of dough and a filling layer again. Complete test-bed;
5. At the final stage pour lasagna spaghetti sauce and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese on top. Dietary lasagna baked in the oven is not more than 45 minutes.

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