✔ Red beets.
It is a "cleaner" organism №1. Firstly, it contains fiber, phosphorus, copper, vitamin C, and some organic acids that enhance the "movement" of foods and eliminates "wrong" putrefactive bacteria in the gut. Secondly, it is composed of lipotropic substance "betaine" which causes the liver to get better rid of toxins. And, thirdly, beets helps to rejuvenate the body by folic acid (created more new cells) and quartz (improves skin, hair and nails).
✔ Cabbage.
It contains large amounts of dietary fiber, which help to "bind" the heavy metals and toxins, and then remove them from the intestines. Moreover, it is rich in organic acids that improve digestion and normalize the microflora of the digestive organs. But that's not all. The cabbage contains a very rare vitamin U. He "neutralizes" the dangerous chemicals involved in the synthesis of vitamins and even heals ulcers.
✔ Garlic.
In one clove of garlic contains more (!!!) 400 useful components. They reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and clean the vessels and kill cells glioblastoma multiforme (the cause of brain cancer) destroys diphtheria, tuberculosis bacillus and Helicobacter pylori (the cause of stomach ulcers), "output" of worms, etc.
✔ Onions.
Its main value - volatile contained in essential oils. These substances are only a few seconds can kill many bacteria and fungi. Furthermore, onion improves digestion, nutrient uptake, and even appetite. A large amount of sulfur can effectively neutralize and remove "all harmful."
✔ Apples.
Because of pectin and fiber, apples normalize the entire digestive system - "bind" toxins, improve appetite, stimulates the production of gastric juice, relieve constipation, etc. Also, apples killing agents of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, influenza A viruses.
✔ Avocado.
Unfortunately, the properties of the "south" of the fruit are almost unknown to the general public. Although. Avocado contains a remarkable substance "glutathione" which blocks about 40 different carcinogens, "unloading" the liver. Furthermore, it normalizes blood cholesterol, improves digestion, tissue oxygen supplies, etc.
✔ Cranberry.
This is perhaps one of the most powerful "natural" antibiotics and antiviral agents, which effectively clean the bladder and urinary tract from harmful bacteria. No less important is the fact that cranberries "struggling" with the formation and development of cancer cells, as well as the appearance of blood clots and plaque in blood vessels.
7 products that cleanse the body better than any medicine
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